Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 128: Another Slow Day

I spent the entire morning finally getting laundry done. The first time I tried a couple days ago the machine was broken, and then yesterday it was constantly in use when I was around. Even when I finally got started it took forever because the machines are so slow. The dryer might be due to Germany's environmental attitude, but I suspect it's just a bad dryer that isn't working properly. In the end I had to settle for damp instead of dry, so my clothes are hanging on the bunk to dry the rest of the way.

The afternoon was overcast and raining off and on, but never very hard. I spent most of the day in the Mitte area, which is where the most action is normally going on and where I've spent quite a bit of time. Today I mostly just checked out some shops, snacked and hung around. One of the buskers (I'm not sure what other word to use) was this girl making soap bubbles and getting kids to join in. I thought this was a neat picture to begin with, and I love the little kid's face in the corner with the expression of sheer joy.

Here's a few more random pictures from the day.

That last one is from a Volkswagen showcase that I came across. I don't know very much about cars, but I'm told this one (Bugatti Veyron) is pretty good.

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