Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 106: Train to Budapest

My original plan was to spend the day in Sibiu and then do the night train to Budapest, but that didn't work out. Earlier in the trip, I was booking things almost a week in advance, but I've found in eastern Europe that it's just not possible. Trains are never on time (rarely even within an hour of being on time) and I don't have a firm plan on where I want to go until just before I leave, so there's a lot more winging it going on in recent weeks. Since I couldn't get a reservation for the night train I left in the morning for the ~10 hour ride and got into Budapest around 9pm. The train this time was a lot more comfortable than the one from Brasov to Sibiu, and while I wouldn't go so far as to call it relaxing it at least left me less stressed. I checked into a hostel near the train station for tonight, and then tomorrow am going to switch to the original accomodations I booked and start exploring Budapest.

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