Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 110: Another Day With No Pictures

I followed through with my decision to leave off the three extra countries and went straight to Vienna. I'm toying with the idea of heading over to Poland for a few days as partial compensation, but I haven't really planned that far ahead yet.

As much as I enjoyed aspects of eastern Europe, it is nice to have some amenities again (reliable, air conditioned trains, for example). Because I couldn't make up my mind on where to go I left booking a hostel really late. This hasn't been a problem to do in the last few countries, but Austria is a busy tourist place, and I'm coming in on a Friday, so things were a bit picked over. In the end my choice was either to pay a lot more to be in the city center or to stay out on the fringe of the city. It's not too bad, since it's right near the metro, so it should only be a 20 minute subway ride in, but still an extra expense.

By the time I got in and found my hostel it was already around 3:30pm and pouring rain (the first rain I've had, I believe, since one of the first days in Rome) and I didn't really feel like taking the subway all the way to the city center just to walk in the rain when things are mostly closing. Instead I hung around the hostel until the rain slowed and went on a walk just around the hostel, but there wasn't anything terribly interesting. It gave me a chance to do some research at least so I should be able to get to the stuff I want tomorrow and cover a lot.

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