Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 122 (Part 2): Auschwitz

I wasn't sure if I should head to Auschwitz or not, but it's so close to Krakow and such a notorious part of history that I felt it deserved a visit. I went to the Auschwitz I base camp and the Auschwitz II Birkenau site. At the Auschwitz I site they have many of the sleeping blocks have been made into museum buildings giving a huge amount of information and history on Auschwitz and more generally on the Holocaust.

As one would expect a lot of the information and displays were pretty touching. I found the ones with the biggest impact were some of the collections of confiscated items that were found after the camps were liberated.

The Birkenau camp was much larger but more just open air without all the museum aspects. It did give a good idea of the size of the camp though, and you could go into the buildings to see the conditions people had to live in.


Linda said...

I'm glad you went to Auschwitz; no doubt depressing but as you say, such a notorious part of history.

Anonymous said...

Love the street art and the so called street "statue" performers! You'll have to put a book together of the various "arts" after your travels - you could sell it as a online "must do's" in the places you've visited!
I'll have to hear from you after you return on the size and scope of Auschwitz as I am sure the pictures don't do it justice!
Keep enjoying your travels.


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iphynx said...

Whoever th last anon person is, your comment was flagged as spam so I didn't see it until now. If people want to link to or quote anything I say, feel free.