Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 124: Sleepwalking

My trip to Berlin was about as horrible as I had feared it would be. The worst by far was the 7 hour ride from Warsaw to the border, where I was crammed in a passenger chamber with 7 other people. It was so hot and cramped that after a couple hours I got out and just stood at the window in the aisle and stared out into the night for 5 hours. The sun was finally rising as I crossed over into Germany.

I had forgotten to mark down directions to my hostel before leaving my last place, and it proved harder than I would have thought to get wifi to check it once I was in the Berlin train station. I also was having a hard time figuring out what tracks were for the subway, so I just gave up and walked since it was fairly close. The temperature was rising quickly, and would prove to be an annoyance all day. I found the hostel relatively easily, but couldn't check in until the afternoon. I dropped off my bags and just started walking in random directions since I was really too tired to plan much. I found the Checkpoint Charlie site where they also have a museum about the Berlin Wall, but I wasn't in the mood for any museums.

I eventually checked in, but the 3 girls in my room (of 4 beds) had their things spread over all the beds, so I postponed a nap and used the internet for a bit. I eventually went out for another walk when I went to get dinner, but forgot my camera. I indulged a bit with dinner, as I sometimes do when my day has been less than spectacular. Prices are so much more expensive here again. I'm probably going to have to go to a grocery store and make simple meals to keep the expenses down.

During my walk and sitting in parks along the way I did some people watching. Two Berlin/Germany stereotypes I had were reinforced somewhat. The first was the green/environmental culture in Germany. I first so 2 vagrant/homeless looking men checking garbage bins for plastic soda bottles. Later, in the park, I saw two much younger girls (late teens, I'd say) picking up beer bottles in the park. Obviously I'm sure the concerned parties are doing it for some monetary benefit, but the fact that those policies are leading to more recycling getting done seems to justify them.
The second stereotype was about Berlin youth-culture. I think of the stereotypical young Berlin-style as being pretty punky, and everywhere in the parks were groups of what I'd call mixed emo/punks with the usual baggy black clothes and either black or very bright hair. I know not all Berlin kids are going to be part of this subculture, but based on one day's explorations it does seem to be a much bigger population than most places.

I've planned out a few indoor and outdoor things I want to do. Since it's supposed to be boiling all weekend I'm thinking of doing a few (hopefully) air conditioned museums tomorrow, and then doing some of the outdoors stuff early next week when the temperatures have dropped.

It's now something like 40 hours since I've slept, so I'm going to go see if I can get a few hours before the girls in my room come back from partying.

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