Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 123: Street Performers and Street Art in Krakow

Tonight is probably going to be one of the worst journeys of my trip. I'm leaving by train around 8pm, and getting into Berlin around 9am tomorrow. I wasn't able to book anything direct, so my route is going to involve 5 trains and probably staying awake all night so that I don't sleep through any of the required transfers.

On the plus side, the fact that I'm not leaving until the evening meant that I had one more day to enjoy in the city. As always there was a lot going on in the square. Not all of these are from today, but the central square always has a handful of street performers about.
The Statues out in force
Accordian quartet - still not as good as the guy in Rome though
Kids learning why not to throw a bunch of food in a big open city square
My understanding of this one is that an episode of some Iron Chef like Polish show called Master Chef is being filmed, where two people are competing to cook for a mass of bikers. I didn't stick around to see who won.

Then, of course, there is the street art. There isn't a lot in the city center, but there were quite a few stencils in the Jewish quarter the other day, and I hunted down some places in the west side of the city today.

The best piece of Krakow without doubt was this gem. One of the most photo-real free hand spray paint works I've seen, and I find the content pretty amusing, if not terribly surprising (his hometown is only 50km from Krakow, and he's still a bit of a rockstar here).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Impressive publish! STICK WITH IT!