Friday, June 1, 2012

Streets of Rome: Street Art

Most of the street art I found, guided by the suggestions and the internet, was in the eastern part of Rome. There are a lot of really great stencil artists in the city (one of whom I'm doing a separate post for). From what I saw most of the art in Rome is stenciled or freehand, with the occasional paste up. I'm going to try details on the artists (names/aliases at the very least), but for now here is a small selection of art (I took like 100 pictures today, so I'll be putting more on picasa when I get the chance).

Very prolific around town. I'm guessing he's a big name in Rome street art.

I saw quite a few by this artist around town, with glass being painted/frosted and having faces etched out from it.

I know you're probably all sick of Space Invader by now, but he gets bonus points for placement on this one.


iphynx said...

I looked up the white paint etching artist, because these ones with a really distinctive style interest me in case I run across their art again.
These are done by a Spanish guy going by Borondo who is a student doing a university exchange in Rome, which explains why I saw so much of his art around San Lorenzo. It really is impressive because up close it just looks like random scratches of paint, but then from further it's these very striking portraits on the glass.

Jess said...

I'm glad you were able to use some of Giulia's suggestions! (She's Gonzalo's cousin btw, and is studying in Rome). And for the record, I'm not sick of Space Invader - it's interesting to see all the different places they turn up.

iphynx said...

I consider Space Invader (and a lot of street art in general) as sort of like real life easter eggs (in the media sense, not the literal chocolate sense). I've been thinking about writing a big post on why I think street art is so important and interesting, but I do enough stuff about it so far as it is that I don't want to dwell on it too often. Maybe when I'm away from the big cities for awhile and I have nothing to talk about for awhile.