Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 68: Last Day of Rome

I originally planned to do 5 posts tonight to finish up Rome and the second stage of my trip, but I've been drinking a fair bit tonight so we'll see how much I get through. This morning I looked up a few areas that a friend of Jessica's had suggested to me for street art, and found that they were relatively close to me. Beyond that, a chronology of my day is a bit useless as I spent 75% of the day completely lost. I had mapped out rough directions to the areas I was interested in, but the problem with me is that if it ever comes down to directions and something that looks neat I'm going for the neat bit. That leads to another interesting street, and soon I'm far away from my destination and not near any street names I recognize. Through my day of exploring back alleys and underpasses I did eventually cover the areas I started off looking for, as well as a whole lot more. I'm going to break up my pictures into a series of Streets of Rome posts following this one.

This marks the end of the second leg of my trip. As a quick summary, here is the transportation I've used between cities since I started (I'm leaving out intercity transportation since I haven't really kept track):
Airplanes: 3
Trains: 22
Buses: 6
Vans: 2
Boats: 3

The next month or so is going to be a lot more chaotic, so I'm not sure how often Ìbe able to post. I imagine it will be more infrequentt, so please don't freak out if I don't post for 3 or 4 days. Greece especially will be crazy for scheduling, and key I'm not sure how much wifi there is.

Let me try to write these last posts before I go pass out. The basic idea is that for most of Rome I've been spending time checking out touristy things in the city center. While these are interesting, it's nice to get a look at some of the other aspects of Rome as well. I'm planning on doing 4 posts on the streets, roofs, street art and a special post on a specific artist.

Oh, and apparently tomorrow is Italy's Republic Day. Holidays everywhere I go!


Linda said...

I take it you're off to Greece now and Turkey nearer the end of June? I'm sure you'll enjoy both, regardless of lack of wi-fi. We'll look forward to whatever posts you can manage.

iphynx said...

Going to Greece today and staying for 10 nights, then Turkey for around 18 I think. It's a bit strange that I'm spending so much time in Turkey, but it's a country I'm interested in but don't know all that much about, so I wanted a chance to see a good amount of it.