Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 81: Travel Update

Very short post today. Not much to talk about yesterday - I mostly just hung around and wandered through parts of town exploring markets and shops. I went to the hotel from my which my tour is supposed to depart in order to meet the guide and other travellers, but half an hour past the time nobody was there still. In the end no guide ever showed up, and the only people I found doing the tour were a family of 4 (two parents, two kids of maybe 14-16), so not a terribly promising start. At least the tour company *had* booked a room for me at the hotel, so I had a place to stay. This morning I checked at the desk and supposedly we're meeting up in about 20 minutes to try again. I've already done 80% of the things in our itinerary (I really should have checked that before paying all those admission fees... Oh well, at least I got to explore things at my own leisure without deadlines). I really hope there are more people in the group, because half the point of doing group tours is to get to know people and make friends, and I suspect that will be challenging if the only other people in the group are a family where nobody is near my age. We shall see though - as always I'll make the most of whatever presents itself.

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