Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 89: Konya

The trip continued east towards Konya, which according to our guide is the largest (in terms of area) city in Turkey. Along the way we stopped at the Roman amphitheatre of Aspendos. The theatre was is quite large and in very good condition, which makes it stand out from the others we've seen and it is used for ballets and operas now.

In Konya we stopped to visit the Mausoleum of Mevlana (aka Rumi). If anybody isn't at all familiar with Mevlana, he was a Persian Muslim mystic and poet from the 13th century. In addition to being a Mausoleum the site also has a museum for the Mevlevi Order (the Whirling Dervishes).

Two of the people from our group had gone home the day before, so we were now down to 4 people


Jess said...

I wouldn't have remembered the name Mevlana, but there's a cat named Rumi that lives in our neighbourhood :)I did read about the Whirling Dervishes and other interesting stuff in Islam: A Short History by Karen Armstrong, which I highly recommend if you're looking for something to read. And if you are thinking of buying anything, definitely find out about haggling practices in your area - in Morocco we tried to aim for 1/3 of the asking price.

iphynx said...

The standard for haggling in Turkey is a lot less than that. You might be able to get 20-25% off at most, and that's just in the bazaar's or touristy stalls.