Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 82: Istanbul Revisited

As mostly expected things regarding my trip have smoothed out. The group is quite small, consisting of me, a family of 3 (not 4 as previously reported) and a young couple from Qatar. A few more people would have been nice, but it is a long tour and before their peak tourist season, so fewer people isn't a huge surprise. There have been a few more logistical / communication issues with the tour company, but our guide seems like a pretty cool guy at least.

Today was largely revisiting places I'd already been, but I'm not unhappy with how things worked out. The visits today were much more rushed and skipped a lot of parts I got to see when I did them on my own, but having a guide meant that I learned a lot more about the history for the things we did see. We also visited a few extra places, and I added another obelisk picture to my ever growing collection of obelisks (Rome alone has like 8 or something, of which I saw 4 or 5).

We got to spend much of the afternoon on our own so I returned to the Grand Bazaar since our hotel is nearby and wandered it more extensively. It really is a huge place - almost a self-contained indoor city within the city .

Dinner was covered by the tour and we went to a nice traditional place a 10 minute walk away. Throughout the day I made a point of getting to know everybody pretty well. They all seem like good, friendly people but there are definitely a few personality quirks that could get tiresome. I'm hoping some of the rough edges will get smoothed out with a few days of travel and getting used to the routine. We hit the road tomorrow, and supposedly the 6 of us (7 with the guide) are in a 16-seat bus, so at least there will be plenty of leg room.

That last picture reminds me of something else neat. Remember in my first post about Istanbul I talked about crossing back and forth over the big bridge near by hostel? Well, today I learned/was reminded that the Bosphorus is what divides Europe and Asia, so I could have also said "so after lunch I crossed from Europe back to Asia for an icecream" which sounds incredibly more cool.


Linda said...

I want to know about the food, "a nice traditional place"--do you mean traditional Turkish? What did you have? A little more description please, you know me and food!

iphynx said...

"nice traditional place" was probably overly generous. In general, I've been a bit disappointed by the food. That night it was something like chicken and beef skewers with rice, hot peppers and some pretty decent naan-like flatbread. Almost all of our dinners have been hotel buffets though, and whenever we go to a "traditional" place for lunch it's basically kebabs/grilled meat that's not all that great. Two of the people in my group went to a place in Istanbul where they seal a bunch of meat and vegetables in a clay pot, let it cook in some coals and then shatter the bottom off the pot to get the cooked result out - that sounds far more interesting - but so far nothing like that.