Friday, June 1, 2012

Spotlight: Alice Pasquini

I first encountered Alice Pasquini's art in London. There, it was small scale stuff - a small silhouette in a back alley or a face tucked away. I had forgotten that her home base was in Rome, but as I was exploring today I found a few small things by her and was just happy to recognize a name and a style. Alice is kind of a hybrid stencil/freehand artist. From what I can tell, she freehand sprays pastel backgrounds of swirling colours, then stenciles her figures on in black, then colours them in freehand as well. The effect is really nice, and she is one of my favourite stencil artists.

I was happy just to see a few small stencils by her - and then I came across a massive block long mural she's done in the San Lorenzo area. When taken as a whole it's probably one of the nicest pieces of street art I've seen on my travels. Sadly my camera isn't really made for murals, but I took pictures of some of the sections to give an idea.

I also encountered another smaller wall done by her in a much more remote, hard to find area. No idea where I was, so that's as specific as a location I can give.

Hopefully I'll run into some more of her work on my travels!

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