Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 69: The Long Night

I made it safely to Athens and am making use of their 60 minutes of free wifi at the airport. It's about 12:30am here, and I have a ferry leaving around 7am from Piraeus (the port) which is about a 90 minute bus ride away. There was no point getting accomodations, so I'm just pulling an all nighter. I took a few pictures this morning at the Republic Day military parade in Rome, but I don't feel like digging all the cables out, and honestly it wasn't all that interesting for me. I missed out on my haircut in the end because I left it until the last day not knowing it was a holiday, and all the ones near me were closed. I managed to find a place to do laundry before I flew out at least, so one less thing to worry about.

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