Saturday, June 30, 2012

Days 93-96: Return to Istanbul

Grouping a few days together here, because honestly there isn't too much to talk about. My tour bus got back to Istanbul safetly, and after spending the night in one of their fancy included hotels I switched to a much cheaper hostel for a few more days. Again the process of finding my hostel was far more difficult than it should have been. The main problem was that the street it was on didn't have a street sign, and the hostel didn't have a sign identifying it. I eventually figured it all out, but it took a lot more effort and time than I had expected. I didn't really do a lot of sightseeing. One day I just went on a long walk following the coast and another I walked around a lot more in the newer part of the city, checking out parks and whatever else I came across.

I came across some sort of international cultural dance parade at one point. Unlike the parades I'm used to, this one wasn't fenced or anything. It just marched up the middle of the busiest pedestrian street in the city, pulling random people into their dancing along the way.

While in Istanbul I also picked up an overnight bus ticket to Sofia (Bulgaria), but I'll go into that further next post.

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