Saturday, March 9, 2013

Days 337-338: The Divide and Return

The final day was from Lake Mackenzie to a place called The Divide, which is where a few different trails begin. It was mostly in woods again, so the views weren't as spectacular, but it was still a nice woodland track. The one notable exception was another steep side tail up to Key Summit which climbed back above the tree line to an alpine marsh preservation. In addition to all the lovely mountain views it was also new flora with lots of different colourful mosses and groundcovers.

From there it was a steady descent down through the forest. Closer to the Divide there were lots of other hikers who take a bus out, hike for a couple hours then go home. I think they miss all the best parts of the hike, but not everybody has the time, desire or fitness to do the entire thing. I got picked up a couple hours after finishing the track, and got driven back to Queenstown in a much longer journey than the one that brought me in.

Back in Queenstown I returned my sleeping bag and decided to book an extra day in the city to relax and look around a bit. I tried to get dinner at this famous burger restaurant called Fergburger. It's not only famous in the city, but had been recommended to me even by people on the other side of the country. Unfortunately I'm not the only person looking to try it out, and the line was too daunting to get one. Instead, I waited until the morning and went and had a massive, delicious burger there at 9:30 in the morning when there was no line at all!

The rest of my day was pretty uneventful. I visited the small beach in town and just hung out relaxing.

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