Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 350: LA - The Hidden Places

With much of the big touristy stuff out of the way I decided to spend my last day in LA doing the sort of thing I enjoy most, which is exploring interesting neighborhoods, wandering down back alleys and generally just looking for cool places tucked out of the way. I had gotten a few suggestions from people in the hostel, and had looked some things up online to make a list of plays to see. I ended up not getting to half of it, mostly due to one of the stops, Culver City, taking longer than I expected to get to, and then getting a bit lost there. I can't share the highlights of the day until I do my street art post, but the Culver City trip was worth the effort. I hopped around to a few other places after that, but in general I was pretty ready to move on in my trip.

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