Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day 349: LA - Being a Tourist

After a good night's sleep I was ready to go again. Like most cities, and especially cities in the USA, I wasn't really sure what to do. Big American cities have all these things they are famous for, but I kind of feel that they are only famous because they put them in movies and talk about them a lot - and they don't really have much inherent interest for me. For Los Angeles, I started my explorations by looking around downtown some (it turns out downtown LA isn't really all that interesting).

I took the metro up to Hollywood, which was a bit more interesting. It has all the tacky iconic stuff, but also had some nice street art. I have somewhat mixed feelings about the touristy stuff. I found the entire Hollywood sign and Walk of Fame pretty underwhelming, but I did enjoy the Chinese Theater and going through all the handprints out front.

I spent the evening back at the hostel spending time with the people living there, partly because it had been drizzling off and on all day and I didn't feel like staying outdoors. Most of them were semi-permanent, having been staying in the hostel for at least a couple weeks, and while a lot of them were pretty strange, they were a good group.

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