Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 353: West Coast Trail

Based on a suggestion from some random German guy I met I decided to walk along the West Coast Trail which runs up the west side of the city. I made my one public transit trip in the city to head out to Lake Merced and start walking north. The trail wasn't clearly marked in many places, so in the end I basically just tried to follow whatever trail/path/beach/sidewalk I could find to keep heading north. The morning was really foggy, which kind of spoiled the coastal view but contributed a special atmosphere of its own.

At some point around Land's End the sky started clearing up and visibility got a lot better.

I continued on until the Golden Gate Bridge, then headed southwest through Presideio.

I eventually got out of Presidio and slowly worked my way back to the hostel zig-zagging down different blocks. This is a pretty brief description of the walk, but it actually took the bulk of the day since it was ultimately probably 15-20km. In the evening I got some dinner with an Uruguayan in my room and played a little late night pool before calling it a day.

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