Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 329: The Center of New Zealand

There's a pretty popular farmer's market in Nelson each week on Saturday, and it being Saturday I decided to begin my day checking it out. It was a nice mixture of fresh produce, food stands, clothing, arts and crafts and other bits and pieces. I was tempted by some of the wool clothes, but talked myself out of it and settled on a delicious food stand burrito and an ice cream cone instead.

Next I visited a large park past the hostel because it had been recommended to me as the starting point of a few good hikes in the area. There was a game of cricket going on in the park that I sat and watched for awhile in an attempt to flesh out my slowly improving understand of the sport. I then found the Center of New Zealand trail, which takes you up one of the adjacent hills to what has been established as the centermost point of the country, I guess. Somebody in the hostel had told me it was a short but challenging hike, but in reality it was more just a stroll up a wooded hill. I walked up, enjoyed the view for a bit then came back down in under an hour, but it was still nice to stretch my legs after all the time on ferries and buses, and it did provide a nice view of the surroundings.

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