Monday, December 17, 2012

Days 266-267: Bus to Malaysia

After a few days of aimless wandering and nearly unending rain in Singapore it was time to move on. I did an overnight bus to Penang leaving Singapore at 10pm with the plan to save on a night of accomodation by sleeping on the bus. Unfortunately 2/3 of the bus was a big group of Malaysians travelling together who were pretty rowdy. I skipped by some of the other cities I intend to, such as Kuala Lumpur, so I could start in the north and work my way back south. The bus finally got to Penang around 7am, but then I made the unpleasant discovery that the bus station is in the middle of nowhere, with no atms around and no way for me to pay for a bus into town. A very sweet Malaysian woman offered me bus fare, which, being me, I had to politely refuse. If I'm desperate sometimes I'll take charity, but this one was my fault and there was an easy way for me to solve it myself, so I would rather just handle it on my own. In the end I found an ATM at a 7-eleven, but by then I was already committed (and didn't know which bus to take anymore) so I just walked the entire 10km to my hostel with all my bags. At least it wasn't raining!

My hostel is in Little India, and after dropping off my bags I walked along the waterfront some and watched a bit of a bike race that was going on. Mostly I just walked around the surrounding streets, which, to be honest, seem pretty run down in a lot of places. It might be a fun city to do some urban photography in, since there are a lot of crumbling walls and washed out looking signs on old buildings. I've very roughly planned out my next month, and am staying in George Town for a few days to do some day trips around the island and the nearby area.

(I've been trying to upload pictures, but the wifi here is too slow and can't handle them. Maybe I'll come back and add photos later on...)

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