Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 274: Jungle Trails

I decided to spend today on my own instead of doing any more tours. There are a lot of jungle hiking trails around Tanah Rata and in the morning I walked to the one around Robinson Falls to go for a walk. The trail started off innocently enough, but past the waterfall it seemed to become less maintained, with lots of slippery, muddy sections and fallen trees to climb over. At some point, I think I must have taken a wrong turn because the trail I was on eventually became hard to see all the time, and went on for quite a bit longer than the signposts at the start had indiciated. It was a nice trip through the jungle, but the path was pretty tricky and I was pretty muddy by the time I finally broke out of the trees. Instead of coming to some nice central location I instead found myself in a row of corn at the back of a farmer's field - supporting my opinion that I probably took a wrong turn somewhere.

I walked through the farm, walked through the hills a bit and cut through a power station's grounds. There was a bit of a path alongside the water pipe running from the falls to the power station, but it was steep and muddy to get up, so it was a bit slow going. Eventually I got up and managed to reconnect with the original path and follow it back out to the road and eventually back to town.


Anonymous said...

Quite the fungi photos! And noticed that you took another picture of a skink. Curious on how big the skin would have been since I am familiar with those in The Carolinas.

So your plans for Christmas over there - anything interesting?


Linda said...

always interesting vistas and trails. Hope all is well with you. Have a great Christmas, miss you,