Friday, December 7, 2012

Day 252: Phnom Penh Night Out

Our morning bus journey wasn't quite so long this time, and we got into the capital city, Phnom Penh early afternoon. After being to so many small towns being in an actual real city felt a little strange. We got a cyclo-tour (similar to a bicycle rickshaw) around some of the main sights of the city, including the temple Wat Phnom, the Independence Monument and the Royal Palace.

We stopped for dinner by the riverside at a place that was rather western, both in food and in price, but was absolutely delicious. I had a hamburger, which I realize isn't terribly traditional, but you have to cheat every now and then. To the best of my memory it is the third best hamburger I've had since I left home. The evening also involved a good amount of drinking. At the restaurant I had a lychee martini and some coconut/banana mixed drink, then ended up downing a strawberry daquiri and almost an entire pitcher of mojito that some of the girls had bought and been unable to finish when we were leaving. After dinner a group of us visited a variety of bars, including one with some live music and a vinyl bar playing 70s music. At some point in the night while we were riding in some tuk-tuks we had a swarm of street kids jump on the back to chat with us and steal a ride. For grubby little street kids some of them were pretty educated. One little girl I was speaking to in english asked me where I was from. When I told her Canada, she asked me if I spoke french - in french. We then continued our brief discussion in french until we got to our bar and they all hopped off, laughing and running off. I stuck to beer for the rest of the night, but we were all pretty drunk by the time we got back to the hotel.

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