Sunday, December 9, 2012

Days 258-260: Catching Up and Looking Forward

After a last breakfast with some of the group I packed my bags and headed across town to the hostel I stayed at in Bangkok before. It was pleasant the first time, and not having to stress over finding a new place is an added bonus, so coming back was an easy choice. I didn't really do much during this second stop in Bankok, partly just because I'd seen much of what interested me the first time, and partly I just didn't feel like rushing around for a few days. I still explored around, trying different restaurants and buying a couple things, but overall nothing really worth getting into detail on.
So tonight is my last night in Bangkok (yes, present tense!) I also spent my few days here catching up on all the blog posts and photos, and when I fly out tomorrow I should be all caught up with everything for the first time in months. The fact that I'm flying out is another one of those things that seemed like a good idea at the time, but in hindsight is a bit frustrating. I'm heading over to Singapore tomorrow, and originally when I booked this flight a year ago I was planning to just stop over and likely continue on to Australia. The problem is that I no longer wish to do that. Instead I want to spend another month or so in southeast Asia before moving on. The perfect solution would have been to end my flying in Bangkok, spend the 4-6 weeks travelling into Laos, then south through Thailand and Malaysia and ending in Singapore before flying on to Australia. Instead, I'm going to have to fly to Singapore, and head north through Malaysia and possibly into Thailand again, for the third time, before looping back, completely defeating the purpose of the flight tomorrow. Oh well. It's not really that big of a deal, and when I booked these things a year ago without really knowing what my plans were, there were bound to be a few problems.

Despite this hiccup, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm done all my tours, as of tomorrow done all that initial batch of very cheap, poorly planned plane tickets from the start, and for the first time in awhile have a lot of freedom to just wander wherever I want.

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