Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 245: The Final Tour (For Now)

I had a relaxed morning in the hostel then packed my bags to transfer over to the hotel where I'd be starting my 3rd and final Asian tour - a trip through Cambodia. I had to take sky train and then transfer to the metro which was a little rough working out with my bags. The metro has a security check that is supposed to go through bags, and I was afraid they were going to have me unpack everything to go through my things. Luckily they didn't seem to care too much, and just had me open the zippers so they could stick a flashlight in - which is pretty much pointless since my bag was full and you couldn't see anything anyway. The metro stop was right next to the hotel, and after checking in I just explored this new part of the city for a few hours until it was time to meet my new group at the hotel.

The Cambodia group is the youngest group I've been with, with only two people over 35 I think, and everybody pretty young at heart. In terms of nationalities there are 7 English, 4 Australian, 2 German, 2 Canadian. I decided to make an effort for once and actually memorize things instead of just trying to remember them, and had all the names of the group memorized by the time we finished a group dinner. We only had the single night in Thailand together as the plan was to cross over to Cambodia by bus the following day.

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