Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 255: By the Seashore

Our final destination in Cambodia was the beach town of Sihanoukville. After all the long bus rides and busy days it was a nice way to end things with a few days relaxing by the sea. Since Sihanoukville was only a few hours from Kampot, we had the entire afternoon to ourselves. After a short rest and some lunch at the hotel a group of decided to head to the beach. Our hotel was near the stretch called Serendipity Beach, which wasn't really all the pleasant. The beach was narrow and covered with bars and lounge chairs, and was really just too crowded for my tastes. We went on a lengthy walk along the beach looking for a better place to relax, and eventually came to Otres Beach. Here there was more sand, less people, and overall it was a much nicer area. We spent a little time swimming but mostly just sat around drinking and talking and enjoying the day.

We had dinner at one of the many restaurant/bars along the beach. I had the barbecue seafood special which consisted of barracuda, tiger prawns, calamari, a baked potato and some coleslaw for a whole $4. I washed that down with a bucket (literally) of rum and coke - also $4. Since we were going on another tour the following morning I decided to take it easy and head back to the hotel before it got too late, but some of the group were more adventurous. From the bits and pieces I later heard / saw, their night included lots of neon paint, a tuk-tuk driver that got terribly lost, and an inflatable dinosaur named Roger.

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