Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 263: Skybridge (and Rain)

Notice the theme with titles? I guess when you go to a city that's almost exactly on the equator, in a tropical climate, during their rainy season, you have to expect getting a little wet.

My plan for today was to go up to the MacRitchie Reservoir for a little exercise. There are a lot of reservoirs around Singapore to gather and store water, and the area around MacRitchie Reservoir is a big tropical park that includes the zoo, the night safari, and something called the TreeTop Walk, which is what I was mainly going for. The bus I took to get there dropped me off at the wrong place despite me telling the driver exactly where I wanted to go, and then questioning him doubtfully when he told me we were at the stop I wanted and it didn't match the description I'd given him at all. It was still near the MacRitchie Reservoir trails, but not the trail I wanted, so I had to walk 5km extra to get where I wanted to be. The day started off lightly overcast, and the weather was nice for the first couple hours. When I got deep into the woods the rain started to come. At first I tried to duck under trees or into shelters when the rain got really hard, but soon I was so wet that it didn't really matter anymore. By the time I got to the TreeTop Walk I was soaked through, and then learned from the attendant there that the path on the other side was closed due to the number of fallen trees the previous day that were blocking it. He still let me do the walk, which is a 250m long suspension bridge over the jungle canopy, and then turn around and walk it again to retrace my steps back. I took a different route back (going to where I had wanted to get off the bus the first time). Once the rain came I didn't see many animals, but before it started I saw quite a few lizards and small furry things running around, as well as a lot of monkeys.

It feels strange that a few short months ago I thought seeing free-roaming monkeys was exotic! The jungle itself was nice too. Lots of exotic flora (for me, at least) and very humid (both before and during the rain).

Not sure what tomorrow will bring, but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess my post title will involve (and Rain).

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