Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Science of Cat Photography

Here's one for Jessica. She requested a take pictures of cats of the world on my travels. Up until now I've seen random cats here and there, and taken pictures of a few, but I was always held back by the "of the world" part. Cats are so universal that a picture of a cat sitting in some bushes or lying on the street seems too generic to me. For it to be a true "cat of the world" you need some geographic or cultural context in the picture in addition to the cat to give it a real place in the world.

For example:
See, no context here. The stones are a bit interesting, but these cats could be anywhere!

Ahh, context!

The problem now, of course, is how much do you zoom in on the cat and sacrifice the surroundings? The cuteness-to-context ratio, if you will. I experimented a bit, so here is my effort. I give you the cats of Rome!

I'll put the rest I took on picasa later. Loung is about to close, so I may have to do my full post tomorrow morning.


Jess said...

Haha, thanks! Those are some pretty awesome cats of Rome. I'd be happy just knowing where they were taken, but including the context in the background makes for some great photos.

iphynx said...

I loaded the cat ones onto picasa first if you want to see the rest. They were all from the same place in Rome. The link is here