Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 47: Champs-Élysées by Night

Things started off slow today. It was raining most of the day so I stuck around the hostel talking to people and trying to arrange some of my tours for later in the year. When I went out for dinner I decided I wanted to go for a bit of a walk so I took the metro to near the Louvre and hung around there for a bit. When the sun set and the lights came on I walked up Champs-Elysees stopping in at various shops. I'm looking for a very specific type of pants, but haven't been able to find them anywhere so far. By the time I got to the end of the street it was around 11:30 so I took the metro back home. Not a very exciting day to write about, but it was a nice break and I have plenty more time in Paris still.


Jess said...

Ah, you post these pictures of Paris landmarks and a beautiful sunset, and all I get from it is "I'm looking for a very specific type of pants." Now I want to know what kind of pants you're looking for.

iphynx said...

If I knew how to describe them it wouldn't be so hard to find them because I could google it easier :(
The basic requirements are something lightweight and breathable so that I can wear it comfortable in the heat - but durable for the less-than-gentle activities I enjoy. Waterproof is an added bonus.

Jess said...

Hmm. If you're still looking, try Decathlon (cheaper) and Au Vieux Campeur (better quality). Breathable is respirant and ripstop is ripstop, from what I gather.

iphynx said...

Thanks for the suggestions. I've actually checked out Decathlon here, and it had things similar but not quite what I wanted. The Au Vieux Campeur website has things that look about perfect for what I want, but some of them are 300-400 euros for a pair of pants, ugh. One of their main stores happens to be right around the corner from a comic shop I wanted to check out tomorrow, so I'll swing by and check it out, but I think I'd have to go for something cheaper than the top line. $500 for a pair of pants is a lot - even a really, really nice pair of pants.