Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 45: Defeating the Louvre

Today was the extended hours day at the Louvre, so I planned to get there early and get as much time out of it as I could. I know that spending my entire first real day in Paris in a museum seems a bit silly, but I find it's a good idea to accomplish your top destinations early since you never know what might happen afterwards. My plans changed a bit in the morning because it was fairly nice out, and after spending yesterday sitting on trains I really felt like giving my legs a stretch. Instead of going straight to the Louvre I took the subway to the Arc de Triomphe and walked from there down the Champs-Élysées to the Seine then following the river to the museum.

The lines hummed along nicely and it only took maybe 10 minutes to get in and get a ticket. People say that you need to dedicate at least a couple days to the Louvre to see everything, but they're apparently wrong. It only took me about 9 straight hours to get through the entire thing (11:30-8:30) - but I didn't buy one of the portable guide things, which I'm sure would have added more time to things. The highlight for me - as usual - was the sculpture, which the Louvre has an amazing selection of. Three of my top favourites are at the Louvre (Nike at Samothrace, Cupid & Psyche and a random Artemis statue nobody else cares about), but there were a lot of other great newer pieces as well, especially French and Italian.

There are certainly a lot of paintings as well, but I wasn't too blown away by most of them. For the most part I found the architecture and paintings on the ceilings more interesting than a lot of the paints actually held in the room. The Mona Lisa was as underwhelming as I expected, but there definitely were some pieces that I liked a lot.

It was a really nice evening out by the time I got out, so after watching a pretty comical chase of two police on rollerblades trying to catch a group of people selling cheap souvenirs on the museum grounds, I hit the streets and started heading in the direction of my hostel by foot. It's quite a distance away, and I didn't really plan on walking the entire distance, but I figured it was a good direction to start in. Normally I make a mental directory of fancy buildings to navigate by as I spend more time in a city, but in Paris there are way too many fancy buildings. It seems like every few intersections there is some elaborate palace or museum. I don't even know what half of the big decorative buildings I see are for. The sun was going down though, which made directions easy, so I just kept heading north-east taking detours as things caught my eye. I found myself below the Basilique du Sacre-Coeur so I headed up to check that out and enjoy the view of the Paris skyline. By this point I was getting a bit tired so I took the metro back towards my hostel to call it a night.

Because of scheduling/booking issues I've pretty much given up on my original plan of spending a few days in Lyon after Paris. I think I'll just book a couple more days in Paris, and since I still have some flexibility with my eurail pass maybe take a few day trips by train down to check out some nearby cities and towns. There seems to be ample to do around, so it should work out fine. I still need to start booking things in Italy though.


Anonymous said...

Love the Cupid and Psyche statue. One suggestion for Paris is to check out some Patrick Blanc vertical garden installations, Paris is his home base and there's quite a variety of venues.

Chris J said...

Hey Richard,
Looks like you have started Paris off the right way. Make sure you eat lots of bread and cheese there, there is nowhere in the world that its better