Saturday, May 26, 2012

Spotlight: Clet Abraham

I'm finding the current format of my blog posts a bit limiting, as I generally want to use my picture space on them giving a summary of my day, and I try to avoid delving too far off on random tangents about things. I will keep doing my mostly daily posts with the "Day " heading to separate them, but I'm also going to start throwing in shorter random posts about cultural things I notice, traditional art, street art, plants and animals, random thoughts - really anything else I wish to talk about. This will hopefully give me a chance to write a bit about things that interest me but don't directly deal with what I'm doing each day.

I'm going to start off with Clet Abraham, who is a street artist. I only know the name because I googled it, and other than that I'm going to just stick with what I've seen and not get into his background. His thing is altering street signs into artwork, and after seeing a few of these signs I started looking for more as I went about my day. I just took special notice because they're all obviously by the same person, and I haven't seen anything like this on my travels so far.

Fun stuff. They are just done with removable adhesive, but they certainly make the streets a bit more interesting. Now to write my normal post.

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