Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 43: The Hunt for the Canada Bridge

Pretty eventful day today in the end, so I'm not going to go over the rest of yesterday in detail. Other points of interest yesterday included visiting the Chocolate Museum (which included lots of free chocolate, and a lifesize chocobama) and a very colourful group of British rugby fans dressed up as super heroes as a form of self-hazing and who spent the day in the pub below my hostel, causing all sort of ruckus.

Today I did a walking tour of Bruges with people from the hostel led by a very flamboyant young guide from New York that has been living in Bruges for 5 years or so. He swore constantly, lied/embellished regularily, and had us play games that used trigger words to make us all gasp in awe at nothing in the sky and take pictures, or duck down in terror when we were around other groups of tourists to freak them all out. He even managed to slip some history and interesting information about the city in, but it was really about the entertainment value.

After the tour I went out for dinner with some other Canadians staying in the hostel that had been on the tour. Dinner included a massive bowl of spaghetti, a few beer, and of course, another waffle. After dinner the others told me how they'd heard about this Canada Bridge in Bruges, and wanted to go find it. We had rough directions from the walking tour guide, which led to a decent hike. Once we got to the bridge we thought he'd told us, we discovered it was the wrong bridge, and were considering giving up when we came across a local with good English out walking his dog (Eragon, after the dragon, he told us with distaste). He knew where the bridge was, and offered to lead us to it. As we walked along with them the man told us all about the Canadian liberation of Bruges and generally about Belgian history. We also learned that he is the only male master lace-maker in the city. Eventually we got to the bridge and celebrated finding it finally.

Shortly after we lost one of the members of our group, which led to another group of stories, but not going to write all about it here.

1 comment:

Linda said...

What a pretty looking city, with all the canals and the interesting buildings. Plus a few touches of Canada too!