Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 60: Leaving Venice

I don't have too much to write for today. I went to main city Venice today with two of my room mates who are from Winnipeg. All of us had really seen all the major things we wanted, so today was mostly just about hanging out and wandering around. We went to the Venice fish marker to check out the local selection of seafood and had a relaxing lunch of pasta and beer followed by some delicious Italian gelato.

Since I didn't have room to include many of the stereotypical Venice photos yesterday, here's a few from then - I didn't really take many pictures today.

It was getting overcast and threatening to rain, and there wasn't too much more we wanted to see so we headed back after a bit. Back at the hostel we hung out with two charming Australian girls who I promised to mention in here (sorry, I already forget your names! Natalie maybe? I'm bad with names). We all had a cheap 4.50 pasta/salad dinner at the hostel and just took it easy for the evening discussing travel and music.

Off to Florence tomorrow morning.

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