Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 57: Down by the Bay

My day was pretty simple today. I went to the train station to deal with the routes and reservations I'd need for Italy, and once that was done just started following the lake as far as I could in the opposite direction to where I went the first day here. I was going at a leisurely pace, and since it was nice I stopped at various places along the walk for some lunch and to just sit at the edge of the lake and read some comics on my tablet while listening to music. Since the views out across the lake are something I've already posted a few times, I'm going to mention another interesting part of the city. Because there are always a lot of people walking by the water, there are a lot of waterfowl hanging out looking for handouts. I enjoy watching animals, and since it's spring you have a lot of young birds at different stages of development, so there's a lot of interesting dynamics going on. I was walking along the water for about 6 hours today, so there were lots of birds, so here's some pictures! I've mixed in a few from previous days too.

The best by far though, is these ones. The first one I took two days ago of a nesting swan I noticed before I went to Pilatus. The second is of the same nest today. I don't see how Hans Christian Andersen could use a baby swan as the ugly duckling, they're so cute!

Very early morning tomorrow to catch the first train in the sequence for Venice, but overall I've really loved Switzerland (minus the prices).


Linda said...

Love the swan pictures--so cute! Lucerne & Switzerland seems like the ideal place to break up the big city visits. Hope you enjoy Venice too!

Jess said...

When are you going to Rome? Gonzalo's cousin lives there, and she might be able to tell you a bit about the street art scene. Also: squee!

iphynx said...

In Rome beginning May 28 for 5 days - or possibly 4 days if I decide I've seen enough and want to do a day trip down to Pompeii for the last one. I'm planning on the 5 days though.