Thursday, September 20, 2012

Days 178-179: Chilling

The last few days have been pretty uneventful. Yesterday I went out to the eastern side of the island to try to do part of the Hong Kong Island Hiking Trail known as The Dragon's Back. Other than having a cool name it's highly recommended as one of the best trails in the area. Everything went well at first - getting to the starting point involves climbing 625 (I counted) steps up through a graveyard on the side of the hill. The problem came at the actual start of the trail, when I went the wrong way and hiked the section -after- the Dragon's Back instead. It led down to Big Wave Bay, and was still a nice trail, just not as impressive. After getting down to the bay and checking out the beach I just started taking random trails. The island is small enough that I figured with a few hours I could get back to civilization from anywhere I ended up, which is more or less what I ended up doing. I think I'll try again this weekend now that I know where I went wrong and which trail I should be taking.

This morning I tried to go see a special exhibition, but it requires a guide and the english ones are at specific times so I couldn't do it. I reserved a spot for tomorrow, so more on that later.

Mostly I spent the day hanging around Kowloon and checking out various markets and shopping centers. I visited the Lady's Market and Temple Street (Night) Market, which were very similar except that the Temple Street one had more sex toys. There are a few things I'm considering buying, so I'll probably revisit this area again before I leave. In the evening I met up with a former colleague who now lives in Hong Kong and we had some spicy Chinese noodles for dinner, and a few squid balls from a street vendor to round things out.

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