Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 171: Vis(t)as

After getting all my papers in order and pictures taken the day before I headed off bright and early to the office for Chinese visas. It was less busy than I had expected, and so lines weren't an issue at all. As I kind of assumed, no matter how much you try to prepare ahead there's always something you miss. In my I hadn't printed out details on my health insurance while in China, which was requested on the application form. The office had no wifi, but just wandering around outside I found a connection for long enough to get my details. The other troublesome question on the application was "List all other countries/territories you have visited in the last 12 months with dates and reasons for visit". Let's just say I ended up writing really tiny for that box. Once all that was done I dropped off my passport with the forms and went for a walk.

Because I had my bag with my computer and a few other things along, I wasn't looking for a serious hike. I coincidentally came upon a sign pointing to the Peak Tram, and decided to give Victoria Peak another go, this time by train. It was a very steep ride up, but a nice view. There were lots of shops and restaurants at the top, and little trails and roads to other points of interest around the peak. I decided to go for one of the main trails that does a small circuit of about 3km around the circumfrence of the peak. In addition to great views down at the city it was also very interesting vegetation as this the most jungle-like woods I've been in so far.

Since I actually had my tablet with me for once I messed around with it a bit for some artsy pictures.

After hanging out around the peak for a bit more I took the tram back down and slowly worked my way back to the hostel and hung around there for the evening.

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