Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 168: Comings and Goings

After a bit of a lazy morning I caught the 12:30 bus back to Seoul. Traffic was much heavier than when I came, and it took around 3.5 hours to get back. I had booked a room at the same hostel as I stayed in before, because I find knowing exactly how to get to your accomodations and not having to drag bags around searching is a huge advantage. The dorms were all booked so I'm staying in a single private room tonight. It's more expensive, but still very reasonable (about $25) and probably works out better since I won't have to disturb anybody else getting up early in the morning to catch my flight.

Some of the people I hung around earlier in the week were still around, so I went out for dinner with them and a few new guests. We got a huge dish of spicy chicken, potatoes, glass noodles, garlic and a few other vegetables, and finished things off with waffles and icecream. I wish I'd had a bit more time in South Korea, but I enjoyed the time I did have and met some more great people.

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