Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 8 (Part Three): Stonehenge (and countryside)

I originally didn't even plan to go visit Stonehenge, as to me it really isn't all that interesting, but ultimately decided that it was something I should see since I was in the area anyway, if for no other reason then to be able to say I've been there when I'll inevitably asked. As expected it is terribly touristy, and everything is roped off so all you can really do is walk in a circle around the outside and take pictures. Like the first two places on the tour there is an audio guide that gives you some information, but there wasn't anything terribly groundbreaking.

(A couple on the tour got me to take a picture of them and offered to take one of me in return. The one I took of them was much better cropped :p)

After Stonehenge we headed back to London. Here are a few pictures of the country side, although I don't remember exactly what stage of the trip they were taken at.

So once back in London I grabbed some dinner and sat around waiting for 4 hours to take a night bus to Chester. Where is Chester and why am I going there? It's a city of about 80,000 right on the border with Wales up near Liverpool and Manchester, and my reason for going there specifically is purely random for the most part. I basically wanted to go somewhere smaller and less busy and just relax for a few days. I originally planned for York (which I may go to yet, still debating) but there were no late buses there. The ride to Chester was from 11:30pm - 5:00am or so, so I figured I could grab some sleep on the bus and then check out the town until I checked into my hotel in the afternoon. I thought it sounded like a decent plan, but in practice it was a bit rough. (see next post!)


Joe said...

That's too bad about stonehenge, not what I envisioned going there would be like but I guess it makes sense. If it wasn't roped off I'd be the first to try climb it.

Maureen said...

LMAO - I love your comment about how the pic you took for the other couple looked nicer... Isn't that always the case? Why can't people learn how to frame a shot properly?

Unknown said...

Still looking Canadian I see.