Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 7: Last Day in London

A bit behind schedule on this one. Sitting here at 5:00am while I wait to head out on my bus tour, but probably won't be able to post this until later.

For my last full day in the city I went to a few of the big London museums, the British Museum and the V&A (Victoria Albert). Both had some pretty amazing things although it was a bit sad as well knowing the history of how they came ot have a lot of those things. I stuck to the free parts, as none of the paid exhibitions were so important for me that I wanted to pay the cost. The highlights of the British Museum for me was probably the Greek areas, especially the Parthenon room, and the rooms dedicated to watches and clocks, which had some incredible clockwork devices. Seeing the Rosetta Stone was also pretty cool. The V&A is a museum of art and design, and like with the British Museum the part I loved the most was the sections on statue as well as architecture.

The Rosetta Stone (British Museum)

Statuary from the Parthenon (British Museum)

Clock that uses gravity and a rolling marble to keep time (British Museum)

Truth overcoming Falsehood statue (V&A)

Samurai display (British Museum)

1 comment:

Joe said...

That clock is awesome.