Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 12: Awrite!

Might be a bit brief tonight. The bus rides from Chester -> Manchester -> Glasgow -> Edinburgh went pretty smoothly. I planned to visit the Manchester Art Gallery during my 3 hour wait between buses, but apparently the three holidays it's closed for are Christmas, New Years and Good Friday. I got lunch in nearby Manchester China Town, but as China Towns go it was pretty underwhelming. The bus ride was pretty scenic, but taking pictures through the tinted, dirty bus windows isn't the greatest.
The bus ride also led to an interesting iron in the fire that might come up again later, but more on that in the future. By the time I got to Edinburgh it was starting to get dark, and it took a bit of searching to find the place I'm staying. It is by far the slickest hostel I've been in, but there isn't much space to just hang out, and they charge a pretty hefty fee for internet access, which means that I might not post anything tomorrow if I can't find a more suitable arrangement. Once I dropped off my things I went out for dinner. I've been having this craving for curry for the last few days, and in my search for the hostel saw a place called Curry-in-a-Hurry, so I went there. It was quite delicious.
It started to rain quite hard as I left, so I just came back to the hostel for an early night. I have a good idea of what I want to do tomorrow (those who know me and know Edinburgh can probably figure it out) but it requires at least decent weather. Not sure what I'll do if it's raining, but the city looks amazing so I have no doubt I'll find something.

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