Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 10: Resting and Planning

It's another cold and wet day in Chester. I was out for a bit to get food and go for a walk, but for the majority of the day I've stayed in. Did all my laundry in the morning, and spent a good bit of time planning out and booking the next stage of the trip. I've decided to just go on straight to Edinburgh, as bus rides and new cities bring extra costs and stresses and I'm already running short on time before my flight to Ireland. Booking a place to stay was a bit of a challenge as everything is booked up for Easter weekend, but I finally managed decent accomodations spread between two hostels. The transportation also wasn't trivial as nothing is going to run directly from Edinburgh. What I ended up doing is an 11 hour ride from Chester to Manchester, switching to a different bus to Glasgow, and then switching again to Edinburgh. It feels a bit silly to go through Glasgow since I'm coming back there 5 days later, but that's just how things worked out.


Linda said...

Sounds like a lonnggg ride to Edinburgh. You'll have to remember to take holidays into account when planning. Quickly looked through your picture archive--you have some certainly seen a lot already, and have some great pictures. Enjoy Scotland!

iphynx said...

One of the pluses is that the layover in Manchester is 3 hours, so I should have a bit of time to wander and check things out some. The Manchester->Glasgow is going to be the long leg, but at least I'll see a lot of the countryside.