Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 6: More Pictures

Here are a few more pictures from the Street Art tour as well as a picture of my fish & chips lunch and the vintage flea market. Will do a post later tonight for todays activities.

One of many Pablo Delgado pieces in the area. He puts tiny little paste ups along the bottoms of buildings so that they are hard to spot, then paints shadows for them on the ground to give them a 3D feel.

Forget the name of the artist for this, but that was our guide standing next to it.

Alexandre Fato. His work isn't created by adding paint to a wall, but by chiseling out the wall to create a relief.

Fish & Chips

The Vintage Flea Market


Jess said...

I never thought of going on a street art tour. That's so cool! And I see you've been checking out a couple of markets. You should definitely go to Camden Market, which has a bit of everything. And I've always wanted to go to Portobello Road, which is antiques.

Joe said...

Ben Wilson's gum art is a cool idea. I can't even believe that lack of insight the arresting officer's part, if anything he was doing them a favour by highlighting all the gum the cleaners missed. Although I guess no one likes their failings on display.

I've mixed feelings on Alexandre Fato, on the one hand it's pure genius. No one can just paint over his work, and repairing it would be expensive. However building owners must hate him given the more permanent nature of his work. Nice gray area between creation and destruction.

I think my favourite one there is the one by Pablo Belgado. They're not to obtrusive and it would be a nice find when you do spot one. He wins most visually appealing.

Just a thought but I wouldn't be surprised if you could find a GPS loadable map that showed you where all the good tags were.