Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 4: The Tates

My feet are still feeling pretty sore, so I tried to cut down on walking and visit the Tate Britain and Tate Modern today. The Tate Britain had some nice art (I especially enjoyed some of the Henry Fuseli pieces, and John Waterhouse, of course) but the Modern as largely a bìt too modern for my tastes. I enjoyed some parts of it, but a lot of it just seems pretty random. I do have another art project in my minds while I'm in London, but I'll get to that another day. Apparently March/April are some of the dryest months of the year in England, so the lack of rain isn't as surprising as I had thought it was - no complaints from me though. I also still have to hunt down some good fish and chips, but I did some research and I should be taking care of that tomorrow.

No pictures today I'm afraid. I forgot my camera at home, and I find taking pictures of famous artwork a bit pointless anyway. If anybody is interested I can send images of some of the paintaings I enjoyed that I can google up, but otherwise there isn't any point in me struggling to link it to the blog.

1 comment:

Jess said...

You should definitely see the British Museum. Apparently there's a free manga exhibition on until April 9 too.