Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 3: Still No Rain

As indicated earlier I didn't do anything too exciting today - mostly just wandered around in some of the commercial areas and relaxing in the park.  So far it has been sunny and hot since I got here.  I managed to get a bit of a sunburn in London in March - crazy. I've been leaving some of the more indoorsy things like visiting the Tates for when there is a less gorgeous day, but if things keep up I might need to go anyway.

Since I don't have a lot to say about my day I figured I'd provide some more information on my hostel.  It's pretty spartan (as I imagine all hostels are) with only two small washrooms and one shower room with two stalls to service 16 people.  The common area / pub is pretty nice though, and for $25 a night I can't complain.  Most of the people that are in the pub are the guests that come and go frequently but there are a few old locals who are regulars.  They mostly sit around drinking and arguing all day/evening, usually with rather salty language.  At times some of their invective is near-Shakespearean, but most of the time (especially sure their evening football matches on tv) things are pretty crude and to the point.

Still not sure what I'm doing tomorrow - will probably wait and see what the weather is like in the morning.  Since I have no pictures for today, here are a few more from yesterday.

A skateboard park with some pretty colourful street art. Twiggy on the pillar there.

Westminster Abbey

The Eye of London


iphynx said...

Hmm, I also notice that the timestamp on my pictures is all wrong. I'll need to adjust my camera settings.

JamrockBwoy said...

All the best on your journey Mr. Miller. Remember to stay away from the dark alleys and shady corner

donspics said...

Looks like you're off to a good start....Weather seems unusual for England in March but I'm sure you'll see lots more strange and unexpected situations before you get home....Safe travels!

Great pictures....and I see you've noticed the timestamp needs adjusting!