Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 2: Central London (The Hard Way)

After taking it easy yesterday I went all out today walking around central London, coveringover 31km by foot.  For some reason the blog is only letting me attach 3 images, so I'm going  try to drop the rest elsewher and will link to it when I have a chance.  For my walk I started by heading up Kings Road to Sloane Square then working my way Buckinpgham Palace.  Unintentionally I got there around the changing of the guard, so the place was swarming with  tourists.  

After dealing with the crush of people I decided to go somewhere more relaxing and cut through the adjacent Green Park (which also contained a Canadian WW2 monument) and headed over to Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, which I eventually walked around the entire perimeter of.  From there I walked to Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square then headed down to the river to visit the Parliament and Westminster Abbey.

Next I crossed the Thames and took a ride on the Eye of London, which is a large Ferris wheel that gives a pretty nice view over central London. After that I decided to walk along the Thames to the Tower of London and Tower Bridge. This ultimately turned out to be a bad idea as it was further than I expected and my feet were already sore when I got there and I still had a long walk home.

Eventually I made it back, but quite sore. As I said, I'll probably take it easy tomorrow. Going to deal with the images later as I keep having really annoying problems with the blog. I'll need to figure out a better way of doing this in the future.


Jess said...

I told you transit was expensive! Still, it sounds taking the Underground once in a while wouldn't be a bad idea. Sounds like you saw a lot in one day; hope you enjoyed it. Have a pint for me!

Linda said...

Wow, you sure covered a lot of ground! Take care of your feet.

Unknown said...

That's a long haul, nice shots though. Do you recall if you encountered some neat things along the route that you would've missed if you'd used the tube to just pop up at each waypoint?