Thursday, January 17, 2013

Days 294-295: Idling

On Saturday I was supposed to meet up with my second host in the city for his 21st birthday party, then go to his house in the evening. Due to unexpected circumstances that plan fell through, the birthday party got cancelled and I stayed at my original spot for an extra night to make things easier. The party was supposed to be at the botanical gardens, and even though it got cancelled I figured the gardens would be a nice place to take it easy and relax after a few days of pretty extensive walking. The botanical gardens were more of a big park with lots of open green space for lounging and picnics. Unfortunately the weather had gotten cooler again so while it was still nice out, it was a bit chilly to just lie around.

The following day I tried to make it to the town of Healesville, outside of the city, for something I had been wanting to do. Unfortunately Sunday is a horrible day to try to use the bus system around Melbourne, and I ended up spending about 4 hours trying to get there before giving up and coming back to the city. I gathered all my bags from where I'd been staying and took the train and a tram to get to the new place I'd be staying at for the last few days in Melbourne.

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