Sunday, January 6, 2013

Days 280-281: In and Out of Medan

As I said before, Medan isn't much of a tourist destination. The only real sights are a mix of temples, churches and mosques, and while at times these can be quite interesting, I wasn't really in the mood, especially after months of seeing similar things all over Asia. Instead I spent my time just walking around the city. I continued to do a lot of talking with locals, including flirtatious street food vendors, curious tuk tuk drivers and college students wanting to interview for school (4 different groups of them). I eventually got lost enough in the maze of streets that I had to get a tuk tuk ride back, but at least it was fairly inexpensive.

On my third day in Medan I stayed pretty close to the hostel. In the afternoon I was picked up by a tourist van going from Medan to Bukit Lawang, and spent the rest of the day on the road. Bukit Lawang is a small town along the Bahorok River right next to Gunung Leuser National Park. Bukit Lawang itself is almost entirely built to cater to both domestic and international tourists, and most people go there to trek in the park, particularily looking for wild orangutans. I got there in the evening after dark with the intention of heading into the jungle the next morning on a 2-day trek

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