Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 284: Tubing Home

The second day of my 2 day trek was a bit disappointing, since we didn't really do any hiking at all. We did a short walk in the morning, but it was only half an hour to go up to the hilltop garden near where we slept. After lounging around for the morning we got ready to tube back down the river to town. We sealed all our packs in plastic bags and hopped into the tubes. Local guides manned the front and back of our tube-raft to steer us away from rocks, and we were off. It was maybe a 45 minute ride back to town, and had some pretty exciting sections along the way. There was nothing wild enough to risk flipping us, but by the time we got back we were thoroughly soaked.

I had a relaxed afternoon. I booked my trip out of town for the following day and spent most of the day along the riverside, enjoying the day and watching people have fun in the water.

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