Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 302: Calm Waters

The weather reports had predicted that the second day of the trip would be even worse than the first - but weather reports are terrible. It was a bit overcast but less windy in the morning, and as the day progressed it turned into a beautiful, sunny day.

In the morning I did my one dive of the trip. I'm not a water person, and I was pretty nervous about how I'd react, but I felt it was an amazing opportunity and something I really had to try at least once (especially since it was included in the price). As feared, I'm definitely not a natural. The fact that I'm not a great swimmer made me more concerned about how to react if anything went wrong, and it just led to me being very uncomfortable underwater. I tried, and I did learn a lot from the experience, but I was quite happy to stick to snorkelling for the rest of the stops. If I try scuba diving again, I think I'd want start the more conventional way and do the first few things in a pool instead of open water so that there's less to worry about while I get comfortable with things.

We had a total of 3 stops for diving and snorkelling on the second day, and ended up getting back to Cairns around 3pm. Overall, it was great to see the reef and do some things out at sea. I don't foresee many times where I'll pick being on the water over being out on a mountain or hiking through a forest, but it's nice to mix it up and get some variety when the chance presents itself.

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