Thursday, February 14, 2013

Days 315-316: King's Cross

I took the train back to Sydney and switched lines to go to the King's Cross area, where my new hostel was. King's Cross is the sleazy part of Sydney with all the bars and strip clubs. It seems to be full of borderline homeless people, junkies and has by far the highest ratio of people who talk to themselves of any place I can remember staying. Despite all that, it was still a fairly nice hostel and the area feels perfectly safe. It just has...lots of character. There's lots of cheap restaurants around, and the fact that I'd already spent quite a bit of time exploring Syndey combined with my ordeal from Katoomba meant that I was happy to just stay close by the hostel and not really venture too far out. The rain was also still a constant issue. It would be clear for a few hours, then it would pour for 40 minutes, then clear up quickly again. It was infrequent enough that you could still go out in the dry periods, but I don't think it went more than a few hours without rain over the two days.

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