Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 313: Hike #2

On the second day I was ready to tackle something a bit more ambitious. In the morning I took a different path to the park and got to the trails near Katommba Falls. After poking around some of the side paths I took one of the staircases down into forest below the cliffs. The stairways are around 900 steps and there are signs everywhere warning that they are difficult, but they're broken up and really not too bad. I had originally planned to go the opposite direction of the previous day but I'd lost a couple hours checking out side trails at the top so I changed my mind and walked along the same way as the previous day, only this time in the rainforest near the bottom of the valley instead of on the cliff at the top.

The route back up went past a few different waterfalls, and of course back up the 900 steps of a different staircase. Once at the top I followed the road for awhile but soon found another trail to continue along the cliff, eventually getting to a point called Bridal Veil Lookout which gave another sweeping view down into the valley.

I came back out near Leura and stopped by the grocery store there to buy a few things at their bakery for dinner, then walked back to Katoomba along the road.

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